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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 19, 2023 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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-dispatch: okay, gunpoint, 132 and bush. -cover's code three. -thanks, 10. (indistinct radio chatter) -okay, we'll still send a code three. -(theme music playing) everyone. today, the g-7 underway in japan
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as china ramps up its crackdown on overseas businesses putting a spy master in charge of the crackdown of u.s. businesses. president biden in japan as democrats in congress try to work around house speaker kevin mccarthy with their own clean debt ceiling bill. 210 house democrats trying to force a vote to raise the ceiling, a clean debt ceiling with no strings attached as the national debt inches towards $32 trillion. speaker kevin mccarthy optimistic, an agreement on spending limits will happen next week. i'll be speaking with both senators james langford and senator tom cotton this morning about this and more in the 8:00 a.m. hour. don't miss these interviews coming up. markets are looking higher, futures indicating a gain at the start of trading, nasdaq hitting an all time 14 month high, take a look at the numbers, dow industrials up 30, nasdaq up 23,
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s&p 500 higher by 6. here's how markets did tore the week, all in the green. it's been quite a week in terms of news and the dow industrials right now showing a gain of three quarters of a percent, it's the nasdaq once again that is the star on the week, up three and a quarter percent and s&p 500 higher by 1 and three quarters percent this week so far. more earnings news this morning, tapping a busy week, deere and foot locker out before the opening bell. we'll have the numbers coming up. european markets look like this, check the eurozone with the ft 100 in london right now higher by 34, cac quarante in paris, up 50, dax higher by 91. in asia overnight a mixed story, markets in hong kong down nearly 1 and-a-half percent. that was the worst performer, the others mixed, fractional moves. joining the conversation all morning long, former new york state homeland security add a vicar, michael balboni is here and john lonski. "mornings with maria" is live
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right now. president biden meeting with g-7 leaders today. fox business' white house correspondent edward lawrence is live the in hiroshima, japan this morning with more. good evening to you. >> reporter: good evening, exactly. from japan. we have not yet heard directly from the president but the president spending his first morning here in hiroshima, he was at t the eternal flame, whee the first atomic bomb dropped. the president did not apologize for the event. he went on to the a working lunch where they talked about closing sanction loopholes that russia is using, the leaders talked about more powerful we opinions for ukraine as rumors swirl the ukrainian president may make an in person visit. >> the g-7 leaders are united in making sure he has the tools, the training, the skill sets that he needs to better he defend himself.
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>> reporter: republicans want to see president biden speed up the delivery of more powerful weapons, criticizing the delay. >> as president biden meets in japan with our strongest economic partners i hope he will build on the west's support for ukraine by clearing the way for a transfer of f-16s, long range firers and cluster munitions that will help ukraine win. >> reporter: china another big topic, g-7 members are working what a white house official calls derisking from china, careful not to use the word decoupling. the chinese very upset, saying they need to stop hyping the china threat, saying they've been helping the russian economy. on the debt ceiling talks, a white house official telling me the president sees substantial progress moving forward and this steady progress he says towards a bipartisan deal, the house speaker is saying he sees the
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path but they're not there yet. back to you. maria: yeah, the treasury says its cash reserves are the lowest since 2021, we are eeriely close to the date that treasury secretary yellen says we're running out of money. we'll keep watching the president in japan. edward, thank you. edward lawrence joining us in hiroshima. your thoughts on where we are. markets are rallying on the notion we will see a compromise next week and yet the democrats are trying to go around kevin mccarthy. john lonski, your reaction? >> well, i think the markets have good reason to expect a compromise. after i'll all, i don't know how many times i have observed this threat of the u.s. government he defaulting on debt time and again, it has never realized. i think this is going to be a repeat performance of what we observed in the past. but as you indicated, it's very important that the u.s. government get control of
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spending. you know, my goodness. we have a federal debt approaching something in excess of $30 trillion, that's well above gdp which is about $26 trillion. i might add that the fastest growing government ex pen churre of this fiscal year has been interest expense and that's a warning that as this debt gets bigger and bigger, we are going to find that the u.s. government's going to be hobbled as far as other types of spending because of this huge interest expense obligation. maria: yeah. well, i'm surprised markets have not reacted yet but lests keep on this subject this morning. joining me is tennessee congressman andy ogles, a member of the financial services committee. congressman, good to see you this morning. thanks very much for being here. what is going on? some of your colleagues on the left are trying to do a work-around. kevin mccarthy trying to still get votes for a clean debt
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ceiling. all the while, the house speaker believes that he could get some come of pro mice from the president -- compromise from the president on spending limits. where are we on this? >> well, you know, the work-around so-called is called a discharge petition. that's not going anywhere. we are in control, the republicans in the house of representatives, the republicans we're a united front that we're -- if we're going to raise the debt ceiling, the american people deserve budget cuts. maria: so where do you think there is common agreement? we've spoken a lot this week about the clawback of unspent covid-19 money as well as the potential for energy permitting. fossil fuel as well as green. and potential caps on spending in the future. do you believe all of that covers a good portion of the membership? could do you believe we'll have agreement on those things at least? >> well, to be determined. when you look at the plan that
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we put forward, work requirement, that's something that president biden required, the spending levels echo what was in the obama budget and so nothing in there is unreasonable but it's just all responsible. and so for democrats to be owe posed is really -- opposed is really just partisan rhetoric. look, we have to honor our obligations and our debts and it's up to democrats because, look, the republicans we've done our job. we put forward a plan. meanwhile, biden is going out of town, bumbling bidens has left country and meanwhile we're barreling towards this june 1st date. maria: we'll be watching. looks like next week will be a big week for all of this. good to see you, congressman. we're just getting started. coming up, trillions in debt and growing, we're looking at market reaction as washington's stalemate on a debt ceiling agreement continues. then disney back out, backing
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out of a billion dollar deal as the battle with ron de santis rages on. it's making a buzz this morning. don't miss it. that's on the other side of this break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ i'm giving you everything. ♪ all the joy can bring. ♪ this i swear. ♪ give you everything. ♪ all that i want from you is aa promise you'll be there like a smart coffee grinder - that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that... ...i need a breakthrough card... like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more... plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases! and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas... ...a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. what if you could make analyzing a big bank's data...
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to see my ancestors' photos was just breathtaking.
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wow, look at all those! what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? oh my goodness... this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. maria: welcome back. futures are indicating a higher opening this morning, the take a look as investors monitor the situation surrounding the debt ceiling. the dow industrials up 15, nasdaq up 19, s&p higher by 5, extending a pretty good move yesterday. house speaker kevin mccarthy you appearing optimistic on an agreement next week on spending limits. we will see what happens. the president is cutting his trip short. he'll be home on sunday from japan. nasdaq futures hitting a 14 month high this morning, s&p 500
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mini futures hitting a 15 week high. joining me now is horizon investment chief investment officer, scott ladner. what's your take on this performance, nasdaq is up 17% year-to-date. >> yeah, look, this year's performance so far, maria, frankly looks like kind of a reverse of last year. last year we had inflationary pressures and rising rates and those rising rates have a really, really poor impact on multiples. and so highly multiple companies can, high pe companies like those in the nasdaq got disproportionately badder last year. this year it's disinflation and rates coming back down again. we're getting rerating, multiples back up and biggest beneficiaries are the same nasdaq companies. maria: do you think markets will start to react to these debt ceiling negotiations? >> i think they have a little bit. it's a bit under the covers so far. we think we would be a lot higher than otherwise -- than we
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are right now if we didn't have this debt ceiling nonsense sort of in front of us, acting as a wet blanket on markets. it's really tough to get super aggressive on the risk taking side if you're a money manager with this known, unknown looming ahead of us. we saw what happened in 2011. it was an ugly outcome. the backdrop this time could be somewhat similar. that is by no means our base case. our base case is they figure this out, get it done, kick the can a couple of weeks and get a deal. if the bad outcome happens, we're looking at at least a 15% decline in broad markets. that's not something you can allocate into aggressively when it's on the table. maria: beyond the debt ceiling negotiations, you've got a macro story that's weakening, april existing home sales declined 3.4%, yesterday, the largest annual decline in more than 11 years, scott. housing is clearly seeing demand destruction as interest rates go higher and we're not really sure if the fed is going to pause in
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june. what's your take on the macro story weakening and how far the fed goes? >> well, look, it is weakening on the housing front. that's probably somewhat a welcome development. i don't think anybody really believes that housing gains we saw over the last two years were sustainable especially with what mortgage rates are doing. so at least a pause or a slight decline in housing prices is going to come as some welcome relief to folks, quite frankly. we don't see that as too problematic. the big things we're looking at in terms of figuring out is the global macro economy weakening or not, and by the way it is weakening. we tonight think it's weakening disastrously. we're looking at consumer spending, business spending and spending overseas and the signs we're getting out of that right now are pretty good. we're not spending like we were on the types of things we were over the last couple years. we're not buying goods. people are calming down on travel a little bit. but it is not -- by no means is it be pulling in the reins. the reason is real simple.
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everybody's got a job. if you want a job, you've got a job and you're getting raises and chinese consumers are coming out of lockdown, european consumers are coming into the summer after a better than expected winter. everybody's in okay shape 57d and -- inokay shape and we're mk through. maria: let's see what jay powell says later today, the chairman is expected to speak this morning as officials send mixed messages about a potential pause in the month of june. dallas federal reserve president lawyerly logan says -- laurie logan says current data doesn't justify a pause yet and in fact fed governor philip jefferson says inflation is too high but that the impact of higher rates have not been fully felt. meanwhile, st. louis fed president, james bullard, suggesting higher rates as, quote, insurance against inflation, scott. so do you think the fed takes a pause in the june meeting or not? >> yeah, they're going to pause.
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look, i hear what all these folks are saying, they're trying to increase optionality into the decision in june which makes sense from a game theory standpoint if you're acting on the fed but the data are pretty clear. we are in disinflation. like every gauge you can look at, the fed has underlying prices gauge index, the small business survey says nobody is planning on raising prices, cpi, ppi data is consistent with inflation that is, one, still too high. two, predictively coming down. so that backdrop makes a lot of sense for the fed to pause at this point and just sort of wait and a see what happens. maria: i'm with john lonski this morning. john, jump in here real quick. >> you know, i'm puzzled by something, scott. that is, there is an index of housing sector stock prices from the phlx and that's up by 23% for the year-to-date. that compares with 9% s&p 500 and it's even bigger gain than the nasdaq.
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can you explain that to me? >> yeah, john, that is certainly kind of goof hey on the surface. what's going on there, we still have a housing shortage believe it or not. we didn't build enough after the great financial crisis for household formation. the supply c demand dynamics in single and a multifamily housing, we don't have enough right now to deal with family formation. and so like right now people are saying listen, these people are going to continue to build and with high priced housing market and some people will still be able to buy so that is certainly supporting some of the housing stock prices. that's probably something we think is going to end pretty shortly but that is the story so far this year. maria: all right. we will leave it there. would you buy stocks here, scott? >> we would, yeah. we actually think we are poised for a break-out to the upside. i think the summer's going to be challenging we think but the next move we think is higher. maria: okay. good to see you this morning.
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have a good friday and a weekend. thank you, scott. quick break and then democrats are trying to discredit federal whistleblowers on ca capitol hi. they're laying out what they call rot at the top of the fbi. wait until you hear this. we're on it, next. ♪ (vo) at viking, we are proud to have been named the world's number one for both rivers and oceans by travel and leisure, as well as condé nast traveler. but it is now time for us to work even harder, searching for meaningful experiences and new adventures for you to embark upon. they say when you reach the top, there's only one way to go. we say, that way is onwards. viking. exploring the world in comfort.
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what's the next step? visit today to get started. >> the fbi will crush you. this government will crush you. and your family. if you try to expose the truth about things that they are doing that are wrong. when citizens in this country get to a point where they can call the most powerful law enforcement agency in the world on their neighbor just because they disyo disagree with them, s chilling. >> group thought should not be an investigated organization. to shut down different viewpoints is the end of analytical or investigative body. >> to all the whistleblowers, do you believe the retaliation pattern has a cooling effect on other agents from coming forward or speaking up, yes or no, mr. o'boyle. >> absolutely. >> yes, yes. >> do you believe that the fbi is purposefully hostile to you
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for that reason to keep agents from speaking up? >> yes. >> yes, no question. >> yes. maria: well, that was chilling. three suspended fbi agents testifying in front of the house weaponization committee yesterday about the agency's alleged abuses and retaliation against them. they say their lives were destroyed after blowing the whistle on the fbi, the explosive hearing turning chaotic when democrats accuse chairman jim jordan of withholding previous witness testimony from them. watch this. >> i'm not aware that you're able to withhold information from the minority had that we would need to use to prepare. >> when it comes to whistleblowers you're not. i would remind the committee -- when it comes to whistleblowers, you are not. >> that's not right. >> it's shocking that the -- >> that's not right. >> it's shocking that the gentleman from new york would
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say that when you were part of an investigation of an anonymous whistleblower. maria: well, this is obviously chilling. michael, your reaction? >> this is an opportunity to kind of he reset in terms of the entire fbi which is a very healthy thing to do do. you know, ironic. biden talking with the gush. g-7group. the g-7 countries have a distinction between the intelligence services and law enforcement services. they have like the mi5. but we don't do that here. and i think what you're seeing is this crossing back and a forth of law enforcement and intelligence. that should be separate and distinct. and you're also seeing this politicization of this agency. that is incredibly challenging and what you're seeing, the whole whistleblower thing, look, if there's information that was brought forward, you evaluate the credibility of the witness, you don't sit there and say because they lost a security clearance, that they're no longer believable in anything else. that's not a standard we should
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ever be using for a whistleblower. maria: i mean, these people were suspended without pay, john. i mean, they are trying to tell the truth in terms of what's going on. we've seen the fbi's leadership's behavior all the way back to the russia collusion hoax when they were pursuing wiretaps against trump officials because they wanted to take down trump without any evidence of any collusion. it continues this morning as we can see from these whistleblowers. >> this is scary, maria. because in the private sector if you're a whistleblower you get a lot of he protection from the law. the company cannot go ahead and fire you because you reveal something that the company does not want to be known. it's a sad state of affairs. the fbi is supposed to be absolutely neutral. what we're finding out now, all this does is provide fodder for
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these people that love to spread conspiracy theories. see you've got to be a fool to trust what the government says. you have to really get deep and what you're going to find is going to be frightening, the government is out to get you because you are not marching in step. maria: well, look, we knew all the way back from 2016 how the fbi handled hillary clinton with kid gloves and they attacked donald trump. now house republicans are demanding a renewed probe into the clintons after the durham report explosive revelations. we'll take a look at bill and hillary when we come back. stay with us. ♪ why don't you all fade away. ♪ talking about my generation. ♪ don't try to dig what we all say. ♪ not trying to cause a big sensation. maria: next week on "mornings with maria," monday, joe biden looks to curb investments in
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china's economy with g7 backing. kyle bass will react. tuesday, t ceo terry duffy wille here. wednesday, we have the morning's biggest buzz stories. thursday, john durham to expand on his damning fbi report, jim jordan is here. and friday, mike huckabee's scathing review of vice president kamala harris' performance so far. it's all right here on "mornings with maria." some things that go better... together. hey! like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. for a brighter financial future. thanks. ahh, pretzel and mustard... another great combo. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. (water splashing) hey, dad...
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pointed at the unloading dock. this is at the port authority. frankly, we haven't had the capacity to do that. but look, every day they're coming in. the mayor's office said there could be near 1,000 migrants arriving in the city at this point per day and what is the city going to do? we heard from the mayor's office that we're now about at 70,000 migrants that arrived and 41,000, almost 42 42,000 as of s week are in the care of the city of new york and we've maxed out at the hotels. mayor adams told us that. and now they're trying to find other places, whether it's school gyms, which has not worked out for these migrants to be housed but again, the city of new york under continuing pressure on a daily basis with these migrants arriving and again, you're looking at live pictures from port authority, a few blocks from our studios in midtown manhattan. we see this every day. we've got other headlines we're watching for you this morning,
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maria. former republican new jersey governor chris christie is reportedly considering a presidential run, an often nounsment expected in the coming days, reportedly will initially focus on new hampshire. he's got powerful business backing already. new york mets owner steve cohen is on board with kristie. he serves on the team's board of directors. kristie has been a cribbing it of former -- critic of former president trump and ron de santis who would is expected to announce his bit for the white house next week. controversial former biden administration official under arrest again. sam briton w is in trouble, this time for another charge of stealing luggage. he was arrested as a fugitive from justice in maryland. the arrest in complex to another allegation of -- connection to other allegation of stolen luggage. last month he pleaded no contest from charges stemming from the
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theft of a woman's luggage atlas vegas' international airport in july of 2022. then there is this, legendary new york real estate investor sam zell has died following complications from a recent illness. he started his real estate career while a student at the university of michigan in the 1960s, he became a major player during the 1990s recession. he bought up distressed commercial properties in new york. zell was on "mornings with maria" about a year ago. he was talking to maria about fed chairman jay powell. watch this. >> great to see you, maria. i haven't been with you in a long time so it's fun. maria: okay. great. what was your reaction to jay powell? do you believe they will be able to take interest rates all the way up but not take this economy into a recession, sam? >> well, i don't know the answer to that. if i did, i'd be. chbe rich.cheryl: he was 81 ye.
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i have to say i remember years ago we wanted to have him come onto fox business and he was very difficult to get interviews with so the fact that he came on and spoke with you really i think is a testament to, well, to your -- to you get the sources on the show but also the fact that he felt comfortable to speak with you. he just didn't do a lot of press the last few years. maria: i knew him a long time. he was a regular of mine in my prior job and certainly came on this program a number of times. our condolences to sam zell's family. he was a great man and so smart on real estate and a markets. sam zell. you new era. cheryl, thank you. >> cheryl: you bet. maria: a group of house democrats are demanding more money for the fbi. requesting $570 million to go to investigating domestic terrorism. yes, they keep pushing this he domestic terrorism. request coming after the durham
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report slammed the bureaus' conduct during the trump russia probe. the fbi has been weaponized. we know that. back in june of 2017 i spoke with former clinton campaign chairman, questioned him about what was going on they in terms of the democrats and their relationship with russia as they were all trying to attack trump prior to the 2016 election. watch this. >.do you find it odd of that there's been so much attention on the trump campaign and the trump associates and potential collusion with russia when in fact it's really the democrats who have deeper and stronger ties to russia? you were given 75,000 shares in a russian company which you failed to disclose when you became an obama associate. >> maria, that's not true. i fully disclosed and was completely compliant. maria: where did you divest it? a lot of people feel you i did vasted -- divested it to your adult children.
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>> i i did divested it accoro the advice i was given. the truth is putin interfered with the u.s. election. maria: the whole idea that there was collusion with trump, that's where the charade is. everybody knows russia is trying to undermine the u.s. has been for years. the story the democrats have been riding and the trump collusion is simply not true and we have no evidence of it. maria: that was 2017. i am really enjoying these flashbacks back to 2017 when we identified on the program so many years ago that trump collusion with russia was made up, a complete lie. joining me is former georgia congressman, ranking member of the house judiciary committee, doug collins. congressman, you've come on quite you few times over the years to talk about this. we've got more confirmation this week with the durham report. your reaction? >> well, again, maria, it is not
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anything you and i have not known. and there's a part of he me that says, look, we've been telling you this forever. this is another confirmation. what concerns me is the report, yes, confirmed everything we know. it talks about the problems at the fbi. but even after saying the report saying it should never have been started, never should have been continued, where's the accountability because it did. that's the problem i have. we talked about this. this is the part that bothers he me that there's nobody -- say it's bad but how do you fix it? how do you hold those accountable who did it. maria: i mean, let's face it. we're still talking about the two applications of the law. we're still talking about how the fbi treated president trump very differently than they treated president biden when it comes to the classified document scandal, when it comes to ukraine, when it comes to russia. the durham report also revealed that the fbi shut down, get this, shut down four separate
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criminal investigations into the clinton foundation. so they're handling clinton with kid gloves. the fbi called off three probes in 2016. canceled another investigation 2014 despite investigators receiving claims and information from a well placed confidential source that foreign governments were trying to make illegal donationses to gain influence. doug, maybe joe biden learned it all from hillary clinton. >> well, everything seems to start and end at bill and hillary clinton. i think joe biden has his own network from everything that's been reported. he's doing well on his own and the fbi is not caring about it as we go along of. maria, this is the two tiered system of justice. we saw it on display yesterday with the terrible treatment of these folks from the fbi and how their status is. we've seen it now with the clintons. we've seen it with comey, strzok, page, you go back to all of them. the part here that bothers me is
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if it wasn't for shows like you or i talking about this or others, that do, you've got networks that completely ignore this and your interview a few moments ago, the flashback where he said i did what the law allowed me to do. the crazy part is, the media on the other side will eat that up and say he was following the you law. if it has anything to do with trump or republicans or following the law, the democrats or the mainstream media want to change it to say well, that may be true but it's still bad and you're bad. i think that's the part thats is tearing right now at the fiber of our country and reports like the durham report simply point it out but when ignored will have history repeat itself. that's why christopher wray and merrick garland need to go and there needs to be a shake-up of culture at the top levels of the fbi, not the field officers who are trying to do their job but the culture in washington, d.c. that has been corrupted going back to the obama administration. maria: especially since the russia collusion lie made up by
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hillary clinton's camp, it tore our country apart. i mean, it tore us apart. and i'm proud of this program and my work, sunday morning futures' work to call that out. we saw it for what it was as far back as 2017. meanwhile, we've got to ask you about this, florida governor ron de santis expected to announce his long awaited presidential run next week. he reportedly told donors he's the only republican that can beat president biden. i spoke to pollster and former trump senior counselor kellyanne con waconway, got her reaction. >> he de santis has to win maga voters. he talks about covid. the idea that in 2024 republican primary voters want to talk about covid is silly. and a little too much on the woke. maria: who do you think is going to be the gop candidate? >> maria: you think it -- donald
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trump. maria: you think it will be donald trump. >> ron de santis wasted six months. trump's so far ahead and the base loves trump the and they'll be there with him. maria: and a recent poll has president trump up 43 points on de santis, doug. >> yeah. at this point in time, kelly's right. it's trump's t path to victory right here and de santis getting in, i think the thing that's been the most interesting to watch ron de santis wait for these few months while being vetted for the first time on a national stage. when your policies and your actions get vetted on a national stage with somebody like donald trump, yeah, it's going to get shown and rights now it is donald trump's but i disagree with ron de santis. the republicans can beat joe biden if we as republicans make the clear case that america under joe biden has gone wrong and we've got to get back to the
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right. maria: i don't think that's a hard a case to make. i mean, look at everywhere you look it's incredible, there's a fire to put out everywhere. doug, thank you. it's always a pleasure to see you. 40e7 you're doing -- hope you're doing well. doug collins this morning. thank you, sir. >> thank you. maria: scams are on the rise. how you can keep your wallet safe when the guy next to you is trying to buy that concert ticket and scam you out. but first, the battle between disney and de santis heats up and it's making a buzz this morning. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ oh, my sweetness. ♪ means you'll meet me in the hallway. ♪ two taps on the pipe means yoa ain'ckt gonna show. ♪ ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack.
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high paying jobs to the state. disney citing, quote, new leadership and changing business conditions. a spokesperson for de santis calling the decision, quote, unsurprising given the company's financial straits, falling market capitalization and declining stock price. wow. that hurts. john, your thoughts? >> well, i think the spokesman for de santis is spot on. he's exactly right. disney doesn't want to follow through with this investment because it does not believe that the expected returns justify the cost. disney i would add is one of those corporations that may have gotten a little bit too carried away with politics and as as a result is shooting itself if the foot. maria: yeah. and ron de santis is not having it, michael. >> no, he isn't. and the governor has to talk about the fact that this is -- this project, this investment, it's been on the books for over two years. they haven't seen anything. and as john pointed out the economic conditions for the
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company right now points to well that's really the basis for the decision not going forward, not the fact that there's something that the florida legislature is doing right now but it is appropriate for the state that has this relationship to every once had in a while take a look and say are in fact the taxpayers of florida getting the best deal when it comes to this incredible monopoly but of course on the other side it says how do you fight with mickey mouse and the culture war? maria: look, i mean, disney was very clear. john, they said new leadership. >> yeah. they got new leadership and the stock price went lower. i don't know what good it did. and they're having problems of course with the streaming service and we also find that attendance at the theme parks is under what had been expected and some of these problems are the consequence of a slowing economy. the consequence of the fact that for two years we've had price inflation out-run wage growth,
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deterioration of income's purchasing power. it's beginning to take effect. tight money operates with a lag. the worst is yet to come for the u.s. consumer. maria: yep. all right. let's take a break. when we come back we are talking about the supreme court's latest decision with net choice vice president carl zabo, the decision on twitter at hand, next. stay with us. ♪ if you wake up thinking about the market and want to make the right moves fast... get decision tech from fidelity. [ cellphone vibrates ] you'll get proactive alerts for market events before they happen... and insights on every buy and sell decision. with zero-commission online u.s. stock and etf trades. for smarter trading decisions,
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maria: welcome back. a unanimous ruling yesterday, the supreme court siding with twitter saying the social media site was not liable for radicalizing the terrorist attacks of isis, the judge stating, quote, it might be that bad actors like isis are able to use platforms like the defendant's for illegal and sometimes terrible ends but the same could be said of cell phones, e-mail, or the internet generally. joining us is net choice vice president and general counsel, professor of internet law at george mason university scalia law school, carl szabo is here. good to see you. your thoughts on this supreme court decision? >> yeah, maria. thanks for having me on. this is not a big win for big tech. this is a big win for free speech on the internet. the supreme court had two opportunities, two cases before them to review and eviscerate
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free speech on the internet. instead, they unanimously said when a bad actor uses a tool to do bad things it is the bad actor that is responsible, not the tool maker and not the tool and that's really great for all of us because section 230 empowers the type of alternative views that the mainstream doesn't want to talk about like as you've talked about for this entire program, the russia collusion hoax or the fact that covid probably came from a lab leak. though those are alternative views that are kept in place, that are empowered by the decision yesterday to empower free speech to all of us on the internet. maria: carl, you have a new op-ed you out titled biden administration is giving away america's a.i. dominance. this is such an important issue. open a.i. launching the chatgpt app on iphones yesterday. i want to get your take on how this administration is giving away america's dominance and we
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have to believe it's giving it away to china. >> yeah, you're exactly right, maria. one of the things that we're seeing from this administration is an attempt to seize control of a.i. a.i. is coming. it's not a question of if but where. so something that nobody's really talking about, a story that broke this week is that china wuhan university empowered a satellite to operate independently on a.i. for 24 hours so we already know what happens in china doesn't stay in china and china is rushing to get ahead of the u.s. when it comes to a.i. innovation and we cannot allow that to happen. we need to make sure that it happens here in in the u.s. where it can be safe, secure, and three things that i always recommend is that industry should lead the way as america always has through transparency, accountability, and security. make sure people know when a.i. is being used. keep it safe and secure. and hold it accountable.
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every single law in existence, because at the end of the day a.i. is the next innovation and it should be done here in america, not by our foreign adversaries and this administration needs to step back and stop trying to seize control of america's innovation. maria: you know, for years china was just stealing it all. the intellectual property. i mean, i know that secretary pompeo told me that the reason that china is in such a high level and in arguably a lead in some of this technology is because they stole america and the west intellectual property but at this point after all of the theft, they actually can come up with their own patents. they don't need to steal it anymore but they'll still continuing the intellectual theft i am a told. >> yeah. exactly. i mean, what they can't make, they steal. that's exactly what we're seeing. right now, we have chatgpt. we have google a.i., meta's jump in with both feet. this is really exciting stuff
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because what it will do is it will free up time and what we're talking about as well is the next major innovation for the next decade. and if our country continues to hamstring american innovation in the ways that a we saw in congress this past week, in the way we're seeing from the biden administration, if they try to inject diversity, equity and inclusion into every single thing including a.i. we are going to leave ourselves way behind as china races ahead and becomes a world leader on a.i. maria: that's why montana, the governor there signed new legislation prohibiting app stores from offering the chinese owned app tiktok, the first state that's actually banned tiktok. it will take effect january of next year. >> yeah. i mean, when it comes to bans, if the government wants to ban on its own devices go ahead but the thing is, the use of the word ban, telling people what websites they can visit, what apps to download, that's something we do see in beijing. we should not hear


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